Thursday, November 16, 2006

Almost there!

I've made it over hump day! and I'm still in good spirits. Thanks to all my friends, who have acknowledged my existence while a am locked away in my high walled infirmary! (Cheryl and Kevin). The patient got on the school bus this morning, still coughing but no fever and almost his old appetite back. Thanks too to grandma and grandpa - Dad took the older boys to Mickey Ds last night. Mom has been graciously pushing play on the vcr anytime the patient comes over and wearily says ...."how-bout.....Cinderella?" I have actually gotten most of school done this week despite our special guest (baby brother). So now that Clay is back in school, and we are winding down and gearing up for the's time to go back to a routine.....for two days.

I just cannot believe that Christmas is only one month away! I AM NOT READY FOR IT AT ALL! I feel like I just got the last of my decorations put away from last year. Plus it just got cold yesterday. I have no motivation to decorate as of this minute.......but then we haven't gotten through Thanksgiving yet. I did get out some fall garland and flowers, but that didn't involve ladders and wire and outlets, and it was probably less than three decisions to make.

Someone needs to call the waaaaambulance!

I have new sunshine these days. It never used to be in my living room. The vacant lot behind and to the east of us has been cleared of all the (nice and tall) pine trees. It looks completely different. Before our house was set in front of a green walled back drop. Now, from a few angles, it looks as though the backdrop was changed to a Kansas prairie. Ok that may be an exaggeration, but it feels bare naked! Consequently, with the angle of the sun being lower in the sky now, I have new bright blasts of sunshine streaming into my living room that was hidden by those tees before. So I guess it's not all bad. But only because I don't have to be using my A/C right now. I am always shocked by my strong feelings of anger, and at how badly I want to call the people up and say ..."WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??? THAT IS MY VIEW, MY SHADE YOU ARE HACKING DOWN! AT LEAST YOU COULD HAVE LEFT THE BOARDER TREES FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD!!!" But i have to calm myself with the fact that we did the same thing to our neighbors when we built our house, (although we did leave MANY boarder trees) and it is not my property, and I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. I don't want to be a "SAVE THE TREES" kind of girl, but it's very strong in me and I don't know where it comes from.

I believe that is enough whining for one day.

Please feel free to comment...........anyone...........anyone........Buehler...... (that happens to be my sister's real last name, ha, ha ....)

Thank you to those who already have. For those of you new to blogs, its very easy. Just click on the place at the bottom of the entry where it says "0 comments" and type in the big blank box where it says "Leave Your Comment", then click the "other" button and just put your name in the box (or if you want to be mean and nasty, I suppose you could click on anonymous), then type in what you see in "word verification", then click publish. I get your comment e-mailed to me right away!!!! Yeah! I would love to know who is reading. You don't have to sign up or be a member or anything.

Well, time to start the day! Ba bye now!


Blogger chryl said...

hey girlie, the waaambulance is on the way although it may be a long response time here from asia! it was so great to hear your voice today- next time i won't keep you on the phone for so long!

if you have a spare minute and have the energy, you may get a kick out of google analytics. it is a tracking program you place in your blog to see who's reading and from where. you can also put links into your blog to others like cfcc or say, your friends blogs in malaysia... greg and girls have it in theirs and love seeing the exotic places readers come from.

i hope your week is fab!

love c

12:33 AM  
Blogger Reflections... said...


All the trees are gone from your back yard? That's horrible! They were so pretty...I thought there was a house back there?


9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shannon, you do an excelent job of writing. Very fun & interesting. MOM

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Shannon,

This is Kathy Peterson from the UP...Dan's best college friend's (David) mother. I enjoyed seeing the pic updates of all your family. Wow...Dan is 42, but then David is 38!!! Caleb looks a whole lot like Dan. What is Cabi??? I couldn't find any spot on your site that explained it. Also, I enjoyed your comments on different days. I share the same thoughts re people cutting down trees! We're enjoying the 'treasure of the snow' here in the UP; get out Xcountry skiing most every day. Hope to visit David and family in FL the end of March when the girls have spring break. Altho, we're retired, we keep really busy! Tell Dan I still really enjoy his mom's Christmas letter. She shares alot of details just like I do :) so I like that!


6:57 PM  

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