Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Thanksgiving 2007

We had an awesome Thanksgiving this year. We had a dozen family members around our old 130 year old oak table. Mom Farrier, Grandma Hamer, Uncle Chuck Smith, Aunt Jill & Uncle Larry, Mom & Dad Sorenson and our crew.

As you can see there was no shortage of food! Mom Farrier and Mom Sorenson made their own rolls...soooo good!

Dan cooked two 13lb turkeys this year instead of one monster sized one...yum!!! An apple in the neck and an orange in the rear! Can't you just smell it now?!

We love having friends and family join us Thanksgiving. Dan no doubt enjoys Thanksgiving more than any other Holiday. In our traditional fashion, Dad Sorenson read President Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclaimation at the table before we asked the blessing. If you haven't read it in a while be sure to click on the link below.


Also each person had a small scroll that had a personal question (Thanksgiving related) for them to answer at the end of the meal (this creates awesome discussion and great learning!).

We hope each of you had a very warm and endearing Thanksgiving!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to read a new post!

10:36 PM  

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