Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Technical Difficulty

I am aware of the fact that a large number of pictures have walked off of my blog page. I am currently trying to find them and persuade them to come back. If anyone is blog savvy, please enlighten me.


Blogger Ash said...

Hi there! Thanks for the comment - I have heard your plea for help and have come to offer the services of the powers that be (namely, mine) to the need of your fantastic blog. Never fear, ASHLEY is here!

Hokay, what I noticed about your pictures is that you're uploading your pictures to your photobucket account and then putting them on your blog - have you tried to reorganize your photos into different folders or tried to rename them anytime recently? That changes the url source for the pictures, meaning that you need to go in and replace the old links with the new ones.

If that's not it, I'd suggest maybe checking to see if your site is still valid - photobucket is a little sketchy at times. I just use the blogger uploading service for my blogs - it takes a little time, but I've found it very reliable.

If you still want to use photobucket, and none of the above options have worked, you might want to try deleting and re-uploading your photos. If they have the same file name, they'd be refreshed and would be directed to your blog without a problem. If not, you can just replace the links by going back to your blogger dashboard and editing your past posts.

Hope this helps - Great to hear from you!


7:50 PM  

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